Logo National Cervical & Breast Cancer Statistics of Bangladesh

Case-based VIA, Colposcopy and CBE screening by Year

Facility group
     Period  Month 

Division  District  Upazila 

Case-based data collection system (2024)

687,963 Total Enrollment
435,589 (63.3%) Enrollment in Community Clinics
252,374 (36.7%) Enrollment in Other Health Facilities

318,903 VIA Screening
7,703 (2.4%) VIA Positive
6,840 Colposcopy Test
2,865 (41.9%) Colposcopy Positive
328,143 CBE Screening
3,527 (1.1%) CBE Positive

Aggregated data collection system (2024)

410,983 VIA Screening      
11,608 (2.8%) VIA Positive
7,692 Colposcopy Test
3,620 (47.1%) Colposcopy Positive
395,026 CBE Screening        
6,710 (1.7%) CBE Positive

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Screening Result by Year-Month
Sl Test type Period Positive Negative Total